There’s no denying that there are a couple of benefits attached to decorating your house yourself. It saves a lot of costs, as you won’t have to pay decorators to buy relevant materials and perform the projects for you. The only problem, however, with DIY installation projects is that most times, you’ll need to make inquiries regarding what to install first.
When it comes to decorating a room and installing closet doors & carpet, one of the few questions that concerned people often ask is – which of the two should go first. Is it ideal to install the closet doors first before adding a carpet or the other way around?
You can either choose to install the closet doors first or wait for the carpet to be installed before adding the doors. However, both options have their strengths and weaknesses. Most times, installers will remove and re-hang the closet door to be able to install the carpet easily.
Do closet doors get installed before flooring? Do you install closet doors before or after carpet? How high should a closet door be from the ground? These and more are the frequently asked questions that I’ll be addressing in the rest of this article. So, without further delay, let’s get straight down to business.
Do closet doors get installed before flooring?
When it comes to flooring and installing closet doors in the bedroom, most people are always confused as to which of the two processes should be done first. Well, to the best of my knowledge, any of the processes can always go first.
Yes, you can choose to start the installation process by first flooring the room before adding the closet doors. Most times, installers prefer to take this approach as it’s a lot easier and pretty straightforward.
Alternatively, you can choose to install the closet doors first before considering flooring the room. The only problem, however, with this approach is that most times, installers will have to remove and re-hang the closet door to be able to floor the room easily and quickly.
In case you don’t know, base molding is an essential part of flooring installation. Without one, your installed floor will look unfinished and inexpensive. Since you certainly need to perform base molding after flooring your room, my advice will be to start the installation process with flooring. After flooring the room, you can then proceed and install your closet doors before performing the base molding installation.
So, the bottom line is that it’s way better to start with the flooring installation process. After that, you can consider installing the closet doors and then performing the base molding installation.
Do you install closet doors before or after carpet?
Flooring installation is, no doubt, an essential part of your interior design project. If done well, it can easily make your space and improve your home decor. When it comes to flooring your bedroom, there are several different flooring ideas that you can opt for. Some of the best and main types of flooring include laminate, hardwood, porcelain, natural stone, vinyl, and carpet.
Of all the different types of flooring available out there, carpet remains one of the favorites for most homeowners. One of the benefits of using carpets for bedrooms is that it’s cost-effective. Apart from that, the flooring material is available in several different styles and colors.
When it comes to installing a carpet in the bedroom is – should the installation come before or after adding closet doors?
You can either add the carpet before or after the installation of your closet doors.
However, the best way to go about it is to first consider installing the carpet. After that, you can then think of ways to install the closet doors. This is way better than starting with the door installation before adding a carpet.
Install the carpet before hanging the closet doors
Here’s why I’m recommending you to go for the carpet installation first; if you start with closet doors installation, there’s a high chance that the doors will become hard to swing freely after you finally add the carpet. This explains why most installers often remove the closet doors during the carpet installation process.
The removal of the closet doors makes it pretty easy and quick for ghe installers to add the carpets. After everything is set, they proceed and re-hang the closet door, adjusting it and making sure that it balances well and swings freely on the carpet.
You can install the closet doors before adding the carpet
As you already know, you can always install your closet doors first before adding the carpet or any other flooring idea.
Before installing the carpet, your closet doors will most likely work perfectly. But what exactly will happen after installing that thick carpet? Most times, the carpet will rub against the base of the door, making it pretty hard for you to open the closets easily and quickly.
In this case, the best you can do is to adjust the doors so the thick carpet can sit freely under it. For this process, you’ll need to remove the doors and reassemble them. This process requires you to adjust the hinges, set the top pivot into the bracket on the top track, and adjust the length of the bottom pivot.
How high should a closet door be from the ground?
According to experts, the standard height of a closet door from the ground should be about 80 inches – this is about the same height as that of a standard entry door.